This past March, Animal Science Products exhibited at the VIV Asia 2013 conference in Bangkok, Thailand. The three day event was held at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre on the 13 – 15, 2013. In attendance representing ASP were Ryan Izard, Chief Scientist and Technology Officer, Yuxin Shao, Sales & Marketing Representative China, and myself. At our booth, we demonstrated the importance and value of proper vaccination practices to poultry producers from around the world. We experienced a lot of interest in our products from both the producers, as well as potential distribution partners. Their interest establishes possible inroads for ASP to provide vaccine protection products to  regions and countries that we currently do not serve. This is especially exciting because it would allow us to further extend our contributions toward true global food safety.


While at the conference, we met up with many of our existing international distributors, giving us the opportunity to both reacquaint with long-time friends and to build upon the relationships with newer ones. We shared with them some of the upcoming advancements in many of our packaged goods products as a part of the next generation of powerful vaccine protection. The changes being  introduced will help to better protect vaccines – both through better house preparation and water system treatment, as well as more efficient stabilization for vitamins and highly-sensitive vaccines. These innovations will provide for better survivability of vaccines, and there for better immunization results.

The conference was a big success for ASP. We came away with new friends, a new perspective on the challenges facing global producers, and re-energized to contribute for safer world food supplies.

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