The Science of Water.

PKA® – pH Water Treatment is a new, unique water acidification product from Animal Science Products, Inc. that’s completely different and clearly better. PKA® delivers the proven science, cost reduction and performance characteristics to optimize water consumption for your poultry operation.

The Benefits of PKA – pH Water Treatment

PKA - pH Water Treatment

All Species

Birds won’t back off from PKA® treated water, so optimum water consumption is maintained. All other water acidifiers on the market today contain weak organic acids that require a much higher addition rate to reach effective low pH levels. This results in a bitter taste, causing birds to drink significantly less water. More benefits of PKA:

  • Economically improves performance
  • Lowers pH with no bitter taste
  • Optimizes water consumption
  • Can be consumed from day one
  • Improves chlorine effectiveness
  • Complements antibiotic-free production

The Features of PKA

PKA™ contains the strongest animal feed grade mineral acid available today. A much lower addition rate is required to acidify drinking water to biologically effective low pH levels. This lower addition rate provides pH reduction with no bitter taste.

  • Strongest pH reducer available
  • Easily dissolves in water
  • FDA approved for use in animal feed and water; classified GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe)
  • Manufactured under GMP and ISO 9001-2000 assuring consistent superior quality

PKA® can meet all of your water management needs providing benefits in acidification, water

consumption, water flow, feed conversion and cost savings.

For more information on PKA, download the spec sheet by clicking the link in the left column of this page. You can also download PKA product brochures and instruction sheets by clicking on the links to the left.

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Mailing Address:

Animal Science Products, Inc
PO Drawer 631408
Nacogdoches, TX 75963 - 1408

Physical Address:

3418 Rayburn Drive
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961



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